Wednesday 20 September 2023

Solving Tribal Fight-Related Law and Order Problems in the Hela Province, Enga Province, and other Highlands of Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a diverse nation with a rich cultural heritage, and it is a home to numerous tribes and ethnic groups. However, one persistent issue that plagues the country, particularly the Hela and Enga Provinces in the Highlands, is tribal fight-related law and order problems. These conflicts, characterized by inter-tribal violence, have led to an erosion of the rule of law, loss of life, and social instability. This essay will outline a comprehensive framework for addressing tribal fight-related law and order problems in the Hela and Enga Provinces, as well as provide suggestions that can be applied to other areas facing similar challenges in PNG.

I. Strengthening Community Dialogue and Mediation:

1. Awareness and education programs: Conduct widespread awareness campaigns to educate communities about the negative consequences of tribal fights and the importance of resolving disputes through peaceful means.

2. Setting up community mediation centers: Establish community-based mediation centers, staffed by trained mediators who are respected members of the community. These centers can provide a neutral ground for conflicting parties to resolve their disputes amicably.

3. Traditional leaders' involvement: Engage local tribal leaders and traditional authorities to play a prominent role in promoting peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms. Their involvement will lend credibility and enhance the acceptance of the mediated outcomes within the community.

II. Enhancing Law Enforcement Capabilities:

1. Increased police presence: Strengthen the number of law enforcement personnel in the affected areas to deter violence and provide immediate response capacity to emerging conflicts.

2. Police-community partnerships: Foster cooperation between local communities and the police force to develop a mutual understanding by organizing joint awareness programs, trust-building activities, and regular community policing engagements.

3. Specialized units: Establish specialized police units trained in conflict resolution, negotiation, and community-oriented policing to deal specifically with tribal fights in the Highlands. Equipping officers with cultural awareness training will ensure they approach conflicts sensitively, fostering trust among local communities.

III. Promoting Social and Economic Development:

1. Infrastructure development: Invest in the construction of infrastructure, including roads, schools, hospitals, and community centers, to improve connectivity, access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Development projects can help reduce underlying causes of conflicts, such as resource scarcity and competition.

2. Livelihood programs: Implement sustainable livelihood initiatives that provide income-generating opportunities for local communities, reducing their dependency on land and scarce resources. Entrepreneurship training, agriculture support, vocational training, and microfinance programs can uplift communities economically, diverting energies from violence to productive endeavors.

3. Reconciliation and social cohesion programs: Encourage initiatives that promote reconciliation, cultural exchange, and inter-tribal dialogue. Cultural festivals, inter-tribal sports events, and exchanges aimed at fostering mutual understanding and appreciation can rebuild trust and strengthen social cohesion.

IV. Strengthening Legal Frameworks and Processes:

1. Capacity building: Enhance the capacity of local justice systems, ensuring access to justice for both victims and perpetrators of tribal fights. Train local magistrates, lawyers, and law enforcement officers in alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and customary law to ensure fair and culturally sensitive processes.

2. Restorative justice mechanisms: Incorporate restorative justice principles into legal frameworks to reconcile offenders and victims, reducing recidivism rates and promoting healing within affected communities.

3. Customary law integration: Seek ways to integrate customary law practices into the national legal system, ensuring recognition and enforcement of appropriate resolutions reached through traditional mechanisms. This will provide a sense of ownership and legitimacy to the dispute resolution process.


Addressing tribal fight-related law and order problems in the Hela and Enga Provinces, as well as other Highlands provinces of Papua New Guinea, requires a multi-faceted and holistic approach. By promoting dialogue and mediation, strengthening law enforcement capabilities, fostering social and economic development, and reinforcing legal frameworks, the government can effectively address this pervasive challenge. Implementing these recommendations will contribute to the restoration of the rule of law, ensure the safety and well-being of communities, and facilitate sustainable development in the affected regions.

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Pursuing Economic Opportunities in the Poor and Troubled Hela Province of Papua New Guinea


The Hela Province in Papua New Guinea (PNG) faces numerous economic and social challenges, including poverty and ongoing conflict. These difficulties have hindered the economic development of the region, leaving its residents with limited opportunities to generate income and improve their livelihoods. However, potential exists within the province for individuals to make money and pave the way towards economic success. This essay will outline practical strategies for pursuing economic opportunities and becoming prosperous in the poor and trouble-torn Hela Province of Papua New Guinea.

I. Identifying Viable Economic Sectors:

1. Agriculture and farming: Leverage the fertile land in the Hela Province to engage in agricultural activities such as food cultivation, cash crops, and livestock farming. Begin by conducting market research to determine which crops or livestock are in demand both locally and nationally. Consider sustainable farming practices and value-addition opportunities to maximize income potential.

2. Tourism and hospitality: Despite the challenges, the Hela Province boasts exquisite natural landscapes and unique cultural heritage. Invest in ecotourism initiatives, establish lodging facilities, organize cultural tours, and showcase traditional arts and crafts. Collaboration with local communities in the development of tourist attractions can ensure cultural preservation while stimulating the local economy.

3. Small-scale mining and resource utilization: The Hela Province is known for its mineral resources. Research and explore small-scale mining opportunities, adhering to governmental regulations and community consultations. Additionally, consider environmentally friendly and sustainable resource extraction practices, such as artisanal mining or cooperatives.

II. Leveraging Local and International Support:

1. Seek funding opportunities: Access financial support from local and international organizations that provide grants, loans, or investment capital specifically targeted at fostering economic growth in conflict-affected regions. Engage with development agencies, microfinance institutions, and NGOs that focus on community development and enterprise support.

2. Form partnerships and networks: Collaborate with other entrepreneurs, business associations, and cooperatives to benefit from shared knowledge, resources, and economies of scale. Networking can extend beyond the Hela Province to include neighboring provinces or even international connections, providing access to new markets and business opportunities.

3. Engage with local and national government bodies: Stay informed about relevant government programs, policies, and incentives available for entrepreneurs in the Hela Province. Attend workshops, conferences, and seminars to connect with government officials and seek guidance on navigating potential bureaucratic obstacles.

III. Investing in Education and Skills Development:

1. Enhance personal skills: Identify and develop skills that align with the chosen economic sector. Attend workshops, vocational training programs, or online courses to improve technical knowledge and acquire business management skills. This will boost competency and increase the potential for success.

2. Educate the community: Recognize that individual success is interconnected with community development. Share newly acquired skills and knowledge with the local community by conducting training programs or workshops. Create employment opportunities through mentorship programs or by nurturing local entrepreneurs.

IV. Promoting Stability and Security:

1. Participate in conflict resolution programs: Engage with local peace-building initiatives and support community-driven conflict resolution efforts. Active involvement in building a peaceful environment helps create a stable business climate conducive to economic growth.

2. Corporate social responsibility: Develop systems within your business to address social needs and contribute to community development. Allocate a portion of profits towards initiatives like education scholarships, healthcare access, infrastructure development, or environmental conservation. Such involvement builds trust between businesses and the community, enhancing the prospects for economic success.


Although the Hela Province of PNG faces tremendous challenges, individuals can navigate their way towards economic success and contribute to community development. By identifying viable economic sectors, leveraging local and international support, investing in education and skills development, and promoting stability and security, entrepreneurs in Hela can overcome barriers to creating wealth and thriving economically. The pursuit of economic opportunities should go hand-in-hand with a commitment to social responsibility, ensuring a sustainable and inclusive path to prosperity.

Monday 26 December 2022



School Learning Improvement Plan is a 3 year plan which is reviewed annually. SLIPS should address the priorities of the National Education Plan with particular focus on the four key areas: AccessQuality Curriculum and MonitoringQuality Teacher Education, and Management.

In 2023, the need for SLIP was seen by Pajapawi Primary School, which is located between the borders of Tagali and Hayapuga LLG in Tari Pori District (Inspectorate). Thus, they have set over the holidays to discuss on what to do and where to improve.

The copy of their SLIP finally published and binded can be downloaded from here.


If you want to see the guidelines on how to write SLIP for your school, DOWNLOAD BY CLICKING THIS WORDS IN BLUE.